studio etiquette + policies

arrival and check-in

aim to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the class to check-in, set up your mat, and settle into the space without disrupting others.

upon arrival, sign in at the front desk or check-in area. If you’ve check-in on our app, you’re all set!

please note we will not allow late entries.

distraction-free environment

please leave your devices outside the studio to minimize distractions for yourself and others.

maintain a quiet and respectful atmosphere in the studio. avoid loud conversations and be mindful of other practitioners' space and energy.

equipment and props

use studio props (blocks, straps, bolsters) mindfully and return them to their designated storage area after class.

help maintain the cleanliness of the studio by wiping down your mat and any props you've used after class.

class etiquette

stay for savasana at the end of class, as it's an integral part of the practice and allows your body to integrate the benefits of the practice.

be familiar with the blackbird’s cancellation policy regarding pre-booked classes or workshops.

cancellation policy

please be aware that there is a 4 hour cancellation policy. if you no show/late cancel you are subject to a late fee charge of $12. the $12 will be charged to your card on file.

waitlist policy

once the class roster is full, you can add yourself to the waitlist. if you are on the waitlist, we assume you are able and want to attend class if a spot opens up; this can happen up to one hour before the class start time. if you are not able to attend on short notice, please remove yourself from the waitlist.

should you get into class off the waitlist, you will be notified by text (if you have set this permission) and email. you can also check your place on the waitlist through the blackbird app.


we do not recommend pregnant guests take any heated classes. We do have non heated classes available that are highly recommended for pregnant guests that have been cleared by their doctor.